To: All Students
From: Ainsley Carry, Vice President for Student Affairs
John Thomas, Chief, Department of Public Safety
Date: October 4, 2018
Subject: Safety and Security
Over the past couple of weeks, we have held meetings with student groups about the speaker this evening. Those sessions have been important and productive; we thank these students for their care and concern.
First and foremost, we want all student events to be safe and respectful. Our mission as a university is to allow for the free expression of ideas and to support that exchange as much as possible. As we do with all events, we have a robust safety plan that involves DPS and Student Affairs. For this event, we also have designated protest areas. We have plans for different scenarios, and we will be here to ensure your safety.
We have had controversial speakers in the past without incident and those have been instructive in how we have planned for this one. It is our goal to ensure all of our events follow our university’s Principles of Community.