Statement: Bias-based Community Policing is Unacceptable
Preventing and addressing bias-based community policing is a shared responsibility of all USC stakeholders.
As the ONE USC Safety journey began, we engaged in a community conversation based on our shared commitment to the physical and psychological safety of all. No student, staff, faculty member, community member, or visitor should feel unsafe or distrusted on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, or membership in any protected class.
Bias-based policing is unacceptable and will not be tolerated at USC. The Department of Public Safety must always act based on legitimate facts and reasons, in a manner consistent with all DPS, EEO-TIX, and other university policies. Moreover, all members of our community are accountable for helping ensure that complaints to and other interactions with DPS are not infected by illicit bias.
The USC community continues to represent a space of inclusion, equity, and diversity where knowledge and understanding eradicate ignorance, bigotry, and systemic racism. USC reaffirms its commitment to these foundational principles of our community.
Stay informed on the 45 recommendations and their operational path toward implementation by visiting the CAB-Implementation Team (working group) site.
-Christopher Manning, Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer