Daily Crime and Fire Log

The Daily Crime & Fire Log (DCFL) includes all calls or reports of crimes that are submitted to DPS. The log lists reports – including anonymous reports – as received, and does not reflect any assessment of whether a report is credible, whether a crime has been committed or whether a formal investigation will be opened. An entry in the log is intended only to provide timely, transparent information to the campus community about reported incidents on or near campus so that community members can make informed safety decisions. It is important to note that, in some cases, there may be a gap between when an event occurred and when it was reported to DPS.

It takes time to investigate these reports thoroughly and fairly, and we urge the USC community to respect legal and university processes.  Do not target or threaten an individual or groups of individuals based on an incident summary or association with locations where a reported incident may have occurred.

Finally, if you have or think you have pertinent information related to something you see in one of the DCFL entries, please contact DPS. Likewise, if you feel threatened or retaliated against because of something in a log entry, please contact DPS.