Report a Crime
You can report a crime at USC in the following ways:
Emergency Phone Numbers
For 24 hour assistance or to report a crime call:
University Park Campus: 213-740-4321
Health Sciences Campus: 323-442-1000
Trojan “LiveSafe” Mobile Safety App
The USC LiveSafe mobile app is a free downloadable app that mobile users can use to initiate contact with emergency responders around the University Park and Health Science campuses.
Blue Light Emergency Phones
Blue light emergency phones are located throughout UPC and HSC. The phones are connected to the USC DPS’ 24-hour communications center and identify the phone location if the caller is unable to speak. The phones can be used to request help, an escort, report suspicious activity and to report crimes. For more information visit: Emergency Blue Light Phones | Department of Public Safety | USC.
Security Ambassadors
In addition to DPS officers who patrol a 2.5 mile radius around USC’s campuses, USC contracts with “Security Ambassadors” to patrol street corners in nearby neighborhoods and to observe and report crime and suspicious activity. This security force wears bright yellow jackets so you can easily spot them. If you need assistance, look for a Security Ambassador.
Campus Security Authorities
Campus security authorities are individuals designated to receive and report criminal incidents to the Department of Public Safety. They have completed training on appropriately handling reporting crimes, victim relations and support, and related school policies.
Crime Stoppers (Completely Anonymous)
USC is partnered with the Los Angeles Regional Crime Stoppers which consists of various law enforcement agencies throughout the county of Los Angeles. The purpose of Crime Stoppers is to prevent and reduce crime, by forming a partnership among the community, law enforcement and the media to offer anonymity and cash rewards to anyone providing information leading to an arrest, making the community a safer place for all who live or work in the region.
- All tips are handled by a third party service provider
- You will never have physical contact with any law enforcement agency
- Communication is done by a encrypted chat using a code and password
- Up to a $1,000.00 reward can be collected anonymously
Crime Stoppers encourages members of the community to assist local law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime by overcoming the two key elements that inhibit community involvement: fear and apathy. Click here to learn more.
Bias/Hate Crime Reporting
Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation are prohibited: Harassment, discrimination, and retaliation of any kind are not tolerated on our campuses. Please refer to the university’s Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation and notice of non-discrimination for more information about protected characteristics – including shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics.
We want you to report any type of concern as this is a vitally important part of a positive and healthy campus culture. Information about the various ways reports may be made is available on the USC Report & Response website. This website also provides a comprehensive list of confidential and support resources available to our community. Reports can include harassment, discrimination, and retaliation – including shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics, threatening behavior or misconduct, retaliation, and other incidents of concern. All reports are taken seriously and will receive a prompt and equitable response that prioritizes care, support, and safety, as well as available resolution options.