Getting Around Campus Safely

The University of Southern California offers several programs to help you get to your destination quickly and safely.

USC Trojan Mobile Safety App, managed by the USC Department of Public Safety and the USC Department of Emergency Planning, is a free downloadable app that mobile users can use to initiate contact with emergency responders around the University Park and Health Science campuses. Features include: immediate “push button” calls to DPS, easy reporting for suspicious activity or crimes in progress, and location services to notify friends of your route through campus. Learn more about the app features.

Apple App Store
Google Play

Blue light emergency phones are located throughout the University Park and Health Sciences campuses. The phones are connected to the USC Department of Public Safety’s 24-hour communications center and identify the phone location if the caller is unable to talk. The phones can be used to request an escort, report suspicious activity, and to report crimes.

If you are one of the many individuals who work, study or take classes at night, you don’t have to walk to your car or home alone. Use your Lyft app to request a free ride.

  • Your rideshare app contains important safety information about your trip, including your driver’s type of car and license plate number. Be sure to check it before you get into the car—there could be other cars that look the same. It also important to be sure the driver’s photo matches the person driving the car. When the car arrives, ask the driver for their name and the name of the passenger they’re picking up to reconfirm it is the rideshare that you ordered.
  • Rideshared services have a “shared ride” feature that you can use that allows a friend or family member to track your ride while you’re in a rideshare.
  • Another option is to be on the phone with a friend or family member during your ride.
  • If you’re out with friends, stay inside with them until your driver arrives. Waiting alone outside makes you an easy target, especially at night. When people pose as rideshare drivers, they look for people who are clearly waiting for a ride. Remaining inside with friends reduces your chances of being targeted. 
  • Putting some distance between yourself and the driver makes it harder for a driver to physically reach you. It also makes it easier for you to quickly exit the vehicle if that becomes necessary. 
  • Sitting in the back seat also reduces the chance of serious injury in the event of a collision.
  • Some rideshare drivers are silent while others can be very chatty. It’s all right to engage in small talk but be vigilant about how much personal information you share. Be vague about schedule and personal information. 
  • If something about your rideshare driver feels off, it’s better to be safe. It’s all right to decline a ride if you’re not comfortable with your driver. If something feels wrong after the ride has started, don’t hesitate to call 911 or use the app’s emergency feature. 
  • If your driver makes you uncomfortable or afraid, ask them to pull over and let you out in a safe, well-lit area.

See our rideshare safety video for more tips when using a rideshare service.

USC contracts “security ambassadors” to patrol streets and corners in nearby neighborhoods in addition to DPS officers who patrol a 2.5-mile radius around the University Park Campus and a 1-mile radius around the Health Sciences Campus. In particular, they’re stationed around public zones near USC-owned housing. This security force wears bright yellow jackets so you can easily spot them. If you’re off campus and in need of assistance, look for a Yellow Jacket.