The Department of Public Safety welcomes you the University of Southern California and to the City of “Angels,” Los Angeles, California. USC is located in the heart of the City of Los Angeles, a vibrant, diverse, modem city with all the benefits and problems of an urban lifestyle. Being in the heart of a major metropolitan area is exciting. It provides many cultural, professional, recreational, historical and educational opportunities. To take advantage of your lodging on our campus, you need to be smart about your safety and security.
3 Things We Want You To Know
(1) Enhance Your Safety
Avoid walking alone or in isolated places. A city as large as Los Angeles has exciting highlights from downtown high rises to sundrenched beaches. Like most major cities, Los Angeles has crime that occurs. To enhance your safety when out late, always:
Avoid talking and texting on your cell phone while walking, skateboarding or riding a bike.
Avoid taking shortcuts through alleys.
Get a Ride by taking advantage of our USC Safe Rides Program that offers a variety of transportation options withing our DPS patrol and response area.
Campus Cruiser phone numbers. Program these into your cell phone.
University Park Campus (213) 740-4911
Health Sciences Campus (323) 442-2100
(2) Protect Your Property
Avoid leaving your personal property unattended or unsecured. Even for a short while thefts can occur because it is a crime of opportunity. You may get distracted and leave your laptop, cell phone, or book bag containing valuable property or pertinent information such as identification cards, or class assignments, unattended.
(3) Bicycling On Campus
The University of Southern California requires all bicycles to be registered and display to a decal issued by the Department of Public Safety. You may register your bicycle online or visit the Department of Public Safety office located at Downey Way Parking Structure, between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm. No cost for the decal and registration.
Secure Your Bicycle Properly
Avoid leaving your bicycle locked while free standing. Although your bike may be conveniently locked to itself, a thief can easily pick up the bicycle and walk away with it. Always lock your bicycle to a bike rack. See below sample.