
Welcome to USC DPS

We are one of the largest university public safety agencies in the nation. DPS has  more than 300 full-time members. Under the leadership of Chief Lauretta Hill, DPS is responsible for providing public safety services to the university community. Our patrol area is the University Park Campus and two and one-half square miles surrounding the campus, and the Health Sciences Campus, and about one square mile surrounding that campus. DPS operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is committed to maintaining a safe and secure environment conducive to learning.

DPS Mission & Values

We serve the USC community by providing a safe, secure, and welcoming environment through community engagement, technology, collaborative partnerships, and commitment in support of USC’s mission for all students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors to realize their full potential intellectually, educationally, spiritually, and through their social pursuits.

DPS has embraced the university’s Unifying Values as our department’s values. They are:

  • News & Announcements


    Incident Description: Two suspects approached the victim and tried to take the victim’s electric scooter. While the female suspect and the victim struggled over the scooter, the male suspect punched the victim in the face and took the scooter. The suspects were last seen going westbound on 30th Street. Reported Offense: Robbery Date & Time…