Community Safety Advisory

A suspect in multiple recent DPS reports, Isreal Jherson Araujo, which was the subject of a DPS crime alert and incident resolution alert sent out to the university community last week, has been released from custody. Arujo was arrested on the UPC campus for trespassing yesterday, booked into LAPD custody again, and is released as…

Aggravated Assault

Incident Description: The suspect brandished a knife at the victim. The suspect left going westbound on Jefferson Boulevard riding a bicycle and carrying a walking cane. Reported Offense: Aggravated Assault Date & Time of Occurrence: 03/02/2025 11:05 a.m. Location: Northeast corner of Jefferson Boulevard & McClintock Avenue Report Number: 2500782 Vehicle Description: Teal bicycle Suspect Description (provided by reporting party): Age: 39…

Sexual Battery/Fondling

Content warning: this warning addresses a report of sexual assault. Resources are available on and off campus to provide assistance. Visit resources and support. Incident Resolution: The suspect in yesterday’s sexual battery/fondling crime alert has been arrested. Incident Description: The suspect ran up behind the victim and groped their buttocks. The suspect was last seen on foot…

Community Safety Advisory

In response to recently reported crimes, the Department of Public Safety would like to make the following safety recommendations: – If selling property online, complete the transaction in a public place like at the DPS station on campus located at 3667 McClintock Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089. Do not meet buyers in remote areas. Limit…

Sexual Battery/Fondling

Content warning: this warning addresses a report of sexual assault. Resources are available on and off campus to provide assistance. Visit resources and support. Incident Description: The suspect ran up behind the victim and groped their buttocks. The suspect was last seen on foot going northbound on Magnolia Avenue & Adams Boulevard. Reported Offense: Sexual Battery/Fondling Date…


Incident Description: The suspect snatched the victim’s phone from their hand. The suspect was last seen on foot going southbound on Hoover Street past 28th Street. Reported Offense: Robbery Date & Time of Occurrence: 02/25/2025 8:49 a.m. Location: At the intersection of 30th Street & Hoover Street Report Number: 2500694 Vehicle Description: None Suspect Description (provided by reporting party): Age: 25 to…


Incident Resolution: The suspect in yesterday’s burglary timely warning crime alert was arrested this morning. Incident Description: The Department of Public Safety received a delayed report of a suspect who followed behind a USC community member into Troy Hall and proceeded to steal residents’ packages from the building’s mailroom. Reported Offense: Burglary Date & Time of Occurrence: 02/21/2025 7:44…


Incident Description: The Department of Public Safety received a delayed report of a suspect who followed behind a USC community member into Troy Hall and proceeded to steal residents’ packages from the building’s mailroom. Reported Offense: Burglary Date & Time of Occurrence: 02/20/2025 3:55 a.m. Location: UPC Troy Hall at 3025 Royal Street Report Number: 2500612 Vehicle Description: None Suspect Description (provided…

Burglary & Motor Vehicle Theft

Incident Description: While the victim was asleep, the suspect entered their apartment through an unlocked front door. While inside, the suspect removed the victim’s property and fled. Approximately an hour later, the suspect entered an unlocked apartment across the street from the first burglary while the victims were sleeping. The suspect took a motorized scooter and…

Attempt Robbery

Incident Description: The suspect approached the victim on the sidewalk and told the victim he was going to rob them. The victim ran from the suspect before he could take any of their property. The victim was not injured. Reported Offense: Attempt Robbery Date & Time of Occurrence: 02/17/2025 3:38 p.m. Location: On the northeast corner of Adams Boulevard…